I just finished reading How to Save the World: Disciplemaking Made Simple by Alice Matagora. The book is helpful for anyone who takes Jesus’ command seriously to “Go make disciples” (Matthew 28:19).
Alice defines disciplemaking, identifies why so many Christians don’t do it, and shares a compelling vision for why every disciple should become a disciplemaker. She also includes practical tools for empowering everyday disciplemakers.
By the end of the book, the reader will be able to pinpoint the next steps in their journey to carry out the Great Commission.

Here are my four favorite things about How to Save the World: Disciplemaking Made Simple:
It’s Simple.
I could tell from the subtitle that this is my kind of book. Another one of my favorite resources is Pete Grieg’s How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People. I’m interested in discipleship resources that are accessible to every Christian.
The subject of disciplemaking is already foreign to many Christians. According to the study, 45% of Christians have never even heard of the term “disciplemaking.” We need authors to take intimidating topics and simplify concepts so the audience can live differently. That’s what Alice has done in the book.
Based on Research.
The Navigators teamed up with Barna Research Group to conduct a study on disciplemaking. It was super interesting to read the statistics and see the charts woven throughout the chapters.
One of my favorite insights revealed the desire for disciplemaking amongst Christians. The study showed that only 31% of Christians surveyed had ever discipled someone, but 60% were at least somewhat interested in doing so. If you want to build a better disciplemaking culture in your context, the odds are in your favor.
I know that I’m going to be referencing back to this Barna study time and time again throughout my sermons this next year. While there are plenty of numbers, Alice did a great job not making the book seem merely a report. The statistics are there to enhance and substantiate concrete discipleship lessons.
Real Life Examples.
Principles are helpful, but stories make a concept real. Alice gives personal examples from her experience as a disciple and a disciplemaker. She shares with vulnerability about issues like identity, mental health, and relationships throughout her walk with God. It is evident that Alice practices what she preaches.
Each chapter also concludes with an Everyday Disciplemaker Case Study. These are stories of people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and life stages. It’s beneficial to see the variety of shapes a disciplemaker can take. There is no one size fits all approach to discipleship.
We Need More Disciplemakers.
I’m excited about any book that moves the needle on discipleship in the American church. The bottom line is that we need more disciples who make disciples.
Every disciplemaker matters. Each person who follows God’s calling to make disciples can profoundly impact the next generation of the Kingdom. Alice plays this trajectory out over a few generations to show how effective this multiplication can be.
“But imagine what God could do if every disciple of Jesus were faithful to pass on this lineage. That kind of exponential spiritual growth could change the world!” - Alice Matagora
I would recommend How to Save the World: Disciplemaking Made Simple to anyone who wants to make disciples. I’m excited for this book to mobilize more disciplemakers in our churches.
What is your experience with disciplemaking? Let me know in the comments below!
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