A couple of months ago, my friend Andrew Green approached me about a fundraising idea called “Run for RUJA.” Years ago, Andrew helped start a non-profit in Uganda. Andrew is a dreamer, always coming up with creative ideas to make an impact. He named the non-profit RUJA, which means “to dream.”

I like running and love what God is doing through RUJA, so it was an easy “yes” for me. RUJA runs a children’s home and medical clinic and plans to open a school. You can learn more about RUJA on their website.
RUJA is a great ministry to support, and a little goes a long way. Here are some specific needs:
Mosquito Net - $15
Malaria Treatment - $25
Meals for a Student (1 school term) - $40
School Fees and Books (1 School term) - $80
Meals for a Student (1 year) - $120
School Fees and Books (1 year) - $240
Teacher’s Monthly Salary - $270
The idea behind this fundraiser is to donate based on how many miles I run in September. I plan to run 200 miles this month, so if you want to donate $0.10 per mile, it comes out to $20.
If you want to follow along, I’ll post all of my runs to Strava with the hashtag #runforruja. I will also commit to praying for global missions this month.
God is moving all around the world. Whichever missions you partner with, I hope you experience the joy of sharing the gospel with the nations.
I gotta run!
- Josh